07 April 2020

It Shall Not Rain

Most of the remaining humans think it is the year 10,024 by the ancient Christian calendar, and there are many different opinions how long humans have lived on this planet.

Regardless, there is consensus that they cannot survive here much longer.  About half of the rivers, lakes and oceans have evaporated and are now permanently trapped vapor in the atmosphere, never to reach the land as liquid again.

Estimates are in two or three thousand years no liquid surface water of any kind will exist on this planet, salt or fresh.  It will not rain, and it is unlikely it will ever be cool enough for morning dew to form on anything

Plant foods and animals can only live around the beaches and banks of remaining fresh water lakes and rivers.  Fish and sea birds a rarely seen near the very briny shores of salt water.  In the deep water way offshore; fish, birds and sea mammals are said to exist.  Few people say they have ever seen them.

Very little fresh water makes it to salt water seas.  The shores are hundreds of miles from where they are shown on ancient maps from the 5,000's.  In many places animals and humans could walk across salt flats to get to what was once called continents, if they can carry enough water and food, and survive the oppressive heat.

Some have tried, but none have ever been heard from again.

Every day is spent searching for food and fresh water.  In some places people have dug deep tunnels into underground aquifers to the water level to collect and preserve it underground.  A couple thousand years ago, in tunnels 50 feet underground, the year-around temperature was 65 degrees F.  Today the air in our water tunnel is 76 degrees and so is the temperature of our stored water.

A small bowl with one inch deep of water sitting open outside in the shade where the temperature is usually in the mid 90's day or night, will evaporate entirely in less then 15 hours, faster if the wind blows, but it rarely does.  Lakes and rivers are losing water to evaporation at about .6 of an inch per day.

Swamps, estuaries and ponds have nearly disappeared completely.  We are told at the north and south poles surface ice is entirely gone, very little surface water remains, and there is only a few hundred square miles of permafrost existing in either place, and glaciers disappeared from high mountain north facing canyons a thousand years ago.  Pipelines run for thousands of miles from remaining alpine lakes to underground storage reservoirs far from where glaciers once persisted.

It is not believed that any humans live near the equatorial belt, now about 5000 miles wide, surrounding the planet .

Very few animals or plants are believed alive in that zone.

Cities where millions of humans once lived have been wastelands of deserted salt flats for at least a millennium.  No one lives at the new coastlines, few even risk a journey there.

Sea salt is plentiful, fresh water is scarce and very valuable.  Many lives have been lost guarding supplies of fresh water.

This morning along our creek bank potato size yams were discovered because wild pigs had dug them there.   While digging some for our feast tonight a wild pig returned.  We captured and killed it, and its been cooking underground, and will be ready to eat in about 4 hours.  All meat must be cooked and eaten the same day it is killed, or preserved in salt, or cured and sun dried, and packed in fat, and stored under ground.

We don't have cold storage, no electricity, no ice, or anyway to keep things cold or frozen.

Over many thousands of years serious attempts were made, some violently, to get governments, armies, societies, clubs, and gangs to stop fighting climate changes and prepare for an ever warming planet.

No amount of pleading worked to dissuade them from thinking humans could reverse the inevitable growing power of the sun or stop earth's molten core from erupting, or counteract the tidal forces of the moon.

I guess they thought just forcing human behavior changes, killing all the non-believers, or wasting huge sums of wealth, or praying to some Gods could change astrophysics, gravity, and atmospheric chemistry.

Some how humans had made these problems, and humans could stop them, or reverse them.  Of course they all were and are dead wrong, and have been since the early 2,000's.

The demise of human-kind on this planet is inevitable!

07 October 2019

Socialism, Which Rights You will Lose?

200+ years of gains and benefits; autonomous lifestyles and the freedoms and liberties that allow you to decide everything that matters to you and your life.

You won't like having the government dictate what, when, where and how you work, live and play; and what you are allowed to think, do, see or say; even, what you can eat and how much of it you can buy or have, and what clothes you can wear, what colors, and when.

Who you are seen with, where you can go and be; and what you can discuss; what you can buy, what you can own or use, and how long you can use it after you pay the special use taxes.

Voting rights are taken for granted by most of the modern world and held sacred.  One person, one vote that counts for the candidate or issue you choose.  In Democracies and many representative republics your choices are secret and fairly certain to be counted accurately.  There are usually many candidates from various parties and philosophies and initiatives of many conflicting views.

In most Socialist countries, if you are fortunate enough to be among those allowed to vote, alternatives to the party in power and ideas different than the ruling party dogma are very infrequent.  Often, the only possible vote is for or against the leader in power.  Few voters survive long after voting No.  Rarely is there a viable alternative candidate to vote for, and influential supporters of them often don't make it to a ballot box, or their ballot is disqualified because they are found mentally incompetent, or charged and convicted of serious crimes making them ineligible to vote from the asylum or prison.

In most Socialist countries, you can buy a TV, but you can't watch it without an annual permit.  Then you can only watch government authorized programs.

In some countries you can buy music and a player, but you can't play it at a gathering of your friends in public or privately, without an entertainment permit and annual fee.  You can't play or listen to restricted or censored music or performers.

In some Socialist and Communist countries you can get on the waiting list for a tightly controlled and monitored government cell phone, or a restricted and monitored computer or tablet with limited Internet access.  If your not an active ruling party member, your wait might be painfully long, like decades.

In some socialist countries you can't buy or have anything not on the authorized list.  And if you can get it, it's usually only available in the socialist party colors, often black and some unnameable color.

If you save up something useful, and the government stores run out, you can't sell yours to those that can't get any.  If the government finds out you horded it, they will confiscate it for distribution to loyal party dignitaries, not your ailing parents or sick friends.

Get used to shortages, outages and ancient versions of consumer products and medications.

Ownership rights to anything you create, perpetual rights to anything you buy, ownership of any resources you discover are non-existent.  If you concealed that you have them, they will be taken and you will be punished as a threat to your comrade's and the socialist party, and possibly mentally ill, or needing another indoctrination session or two.

Those who have gained special rights because of historical mistreatment, or deserving addition help overcoming defects and deficiencies; you will lose them.  If you work tirelessly for the party in power you may get a few back.  If you gained privileges because you are different, forget them.

Everything belongs to the party in charge, or will; if they discover you have it, it will be seized.

Think long and hard before trading freedom and opportunity for free stuff you could buy if you had your own stuff or your own money back.

19 July 2019

Cut Spending, Freeze Hiring!

Freeze replacement hiring, freeze hiring to unfilled slots authorized in the previous two administrations.

Do it immediately, and keep doing it until the burn rate is less than incoming revenue!

Shrink the number of Civilian Employees, Executive Appointments, and contract employees by 5%  per year until every Agency, Department, Bureau, Commission, Institute, and Office has cut at least 10% of the employees of record as of today.  Eliminate all the vacant billets.

A few years ago I went through the annual budget and the actual expenditures two years after the end of the fiscal year (minus very secret projects, and some other well hidden stuff) and I easily found 1200 programs and organizations that were not required by legislation or regulation.

Some hadn't done anything useful since the late 1920's, and some sprouted recently from a feeling that "the Government" should do something about an actual or imagined vulgarity of real life that needed a just correction on behalf of the embarrassed parties, even though no known citizen had sought any such adjudication.

Some need to be collapsed back into their parent organization.  BLM back into Dept. of Interior.

Some need permanent closure or just don't fund them.  For instance; PBS, PBR, Institute for the Humanities,

Some need serious mission and staffing re-evaluation (i.e. Dept. of Energy, Dept. of Education, Dept. of Commerce, except; ICC moved to IRS, and Import/Export Bank to Federal Reserve System).

Some never should have been the "Governments" business.  No insurances, not the un-Affordable Care Act, not Social Security, Disability, Medicare, Medicaid, Flood Insurance, crop insurance; any other insurance product that requires conservation of funds locked up where no idiots in Congress can take the reserve funds for any reason and obligate the general budget to cover the benefits plus lost interest on what was set-aside funds.

Some were made even less effective, slower and more expensive by "Government" meddling.

Basically; smaller, less expensive, less intrusive Federal Government.

Stop the idea that government needs to fix every consequence of poor choices made by individuals.

03 June 2019

National Days of Recognition

We need more days recognizing good judgment, choosing wisely and emphasizing life management principles and skills.

Here's my suggested list of National "......" Days, in no particular order.

1. Thoughtfulness Day

2. Permanent Savings Day

3. Rational Thinking Day

4. Considerate Driving Day

5. Take Care of Your Own Children Day

6. Mind Your Own Business Day

7. Ignore Your Elected Officials Day

8. Sit Down, Shut Up and Listen Carefully Day

9. Don't Protest Without a Suggested Solution Day

10. Personal Finances Day

10 b.  Speech Isn't Violence Day
19 c.  Cease Being Offended Day

I intended to stop at 10 suggestions, but I feel more are coming.

11. Humane Behavior Skills Day

12.  Ignore Gossip Day

13.  Ignore Celebrity Opinion Day

14.  Ignore Fake News Media Day

15.  Make More Than You Spend Day

16.  Worry Less Day

17.  Be Fearless Day

18.  Talk With Your Family Day

19.  Sensible Eating Day

20.  Go for a Walk and take Your Dog Day

21.  Speak Carefully Day

22.  Under Eat Day

23.  Work Hard Day

24.  Dream Big Day

25.  Think Logically Day

26.  Choose Wisely Day

27.  Manage Your Own Life Day

03 May 2019

Important Infrastructure Projects

Here is my suggested list infrastructure projects that will prevent tens of thousands of needless deaths, and hundreds of billions in public and private property damages, and prepare for the impacts from non-human caused climate changes.

1. Replace all on-grade railroad crossings with over/under passes, so that no trains or vehicles ever have to stop for each other again.

2. Improve large scale fresh water collection, treatment and low evaporation long-term storage. 

As the sun continues to grow hotter toward eventual super nova, the liquid surface water zone will move passed the Earth.  All surface water will vaporize into the atmosphere leaving no lakes, rivers, or oceans anywhere, only deep under ground aquifers or huge carefully constructed structures preventing evaporation will contain any water, including salt or contaminated water.

3. Vastly increase electrical generation capacity and decentralization, especially increase non-hydrocarbon fuel generation, by nuclear and chemical fuel cells. 

As Sun activity continues to increase, much more robust air conditioning and much larger and more robust super refrigeration for food storage and long-term preservation will be essential for any continued human habitation on Earth. 

4. Actually put all electrical power generation, storage and distribution in underground conduits, tunnels and caverns.

5. Actually perform long overdue repair and replacement of roads, bridges, airports and harbors.

6. Actually provide high speed Internet access to all US citizens and legal aliens.  

Fake Election Interference and Fake Hackings

Using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) you can appear to be any persona you have created, or any actual person, located anyplace in the world with an Internet accessible device.

You can use any software functions that will work on the Internet, and make it look like a real person  caused it to occur.

A moderately trained Network Specialist, or a novice Network Engineer can easily make a hacking or failed attempts look like they are being made from any place in the world, let's say Russia, even if initiated from within the same network from which it was sent (Virginia, New York, DC); or any device, anywhere, and remain virtually impossible to track beyond the VPN server chosen, like let's say Brazil, Czechia or Russia.

Let's imagine that a political party and a candidate's organization wanted, demonize their opponent.

If they had a couple competent non-citizen Information Technologists working for them that could escape the country with software files and data evidence to their former homeland without a likely deportation process back to the USA; in case something went terrible wrong.  Send the evidence and a less visible participants home at the first sign of trouble.  The IT guys would clean up servers, device, files and software not already safely in a third world homeland where they have other documents and contacts ready to hide them.

Leaving behind the fake trail of Russian looking attempts to interfere in a political campaign.  Leaving fake stories of candidate misbehavior and fake correspondence suggesting collusion with Russians to interfere or attempt to hack files of their own party or campaign, or easily plant dis-information intended to disrupt voting on social media platforms barely disguising the fake origin appearing to be Russia

Then with all the easy evidence gone, you would need only remove and replace with clean drives and memories on the actual devices of origin; and destroy a couple old hard drive and memories.

With the people, and money safely hidden in let's say Pakistan, and all possible hardware and most software destroyed; there would no way to implicate the opposition campaign and candidate of anything but being victim's of a terrible conspiracy to collude with Russians to steal the election from a popular, but losing candidate.

It would be as easy to do, as it was to imagine.

11 April 2019

Censorship, Why the Cries for it?

I hear, view, or read things everyday that offend, aggravate, or disgust me; but I will not ever call for censorship.  

I would prefer no censorship for anything written, spoken, or created to be viewed by any individual citizen of the United States.  No matter how vulgar, disgusting, hideous, violent, immoral or inciting of hatred it maybe, it's just images and words; however, not all of it should be easily available to young children.

It's not actions, it's just free speech.  

The 1st Amendment, like each of the first ten Amendments is very important to me; and has been eroded dangerously close to destruction in the last 100 years.

Supreme Court Justice, Louis D. Brandeis once wrote; "The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in the insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well meaning but without understanding."

People who should know better are clamoring for censorship of people whose comments they don't like, not just the words and images, but with intent to silence them.

The government, the state, or legal agencies thereof, should not act to censor free speech in any form by any citizen with full rights intact.  

Of course, all legal rights to recover restitution for damages from slander and liable should be actively pursued in the courts.

The facts are that people tell awful lies about people they don't agree with or like.  I suspect more than 50% of those who testify in court under oath also lie, some for no good reason.  It's called perjury. 

All other organization (media, unions, businesses, NGO's, Foundations, etc.) and all other people within the jurisdiction of the USA; should not be allowed to act in any way to censor the truth of any free speech, no matter what is said or implied, except for conspiring to act to overthrow any of our freedoms.

Internet, social media, and emails are media publications and should not be allow to censor any truthful opinions or expressions of free speech, no matter what their silly personal opinions are.

Freedom of Expression for all citizens and legal residents under the jurisdiction of the USA! 

It's our 1st Amendment Right!