19 July 2019

Cut Spending, Freeze Hiring!

Freeze replacement hiring, freeze hiring to unfilled slots authorized in the previous two administrations.

Do it immediately, and keep doing it until the burn rate is less than incoming revenue!

Shrink the number of Civilian Employees, Executive Appointments, and contract employees by 5%  per year until every Agency, Department, Bureau, Commission, Institute, and Office has cut at least 10% of the employees of record as of today.  Eliminate all the vacant billets.

A few years ago I went through the annual budget and the actual expenditures two years after the end of the fiscal year (minus very secret projects, and some other well hidden stuff) and I easily found 1200 programs and organizations that were not required by legislation or regulation.

Some hadn't done anything useful since the late 1920's, and some sprouted recently from a feeling that "the Government" should do something about an actual or imagined vulgarity of real life that needed a just correction on behalf of the embarrassed parties, even though no known citizen had sought any such adjudication.

Some need to be collapsed back into their parent organization.  BLM back into Dept. of Interior.

Some need permanent closure or just don't fund them.  For instance; PBS, PBR, Institute for the Humanities,

Some need serious mission and staffing re-evaluation (i.e. Dept. of Energy, Dept. of Education, Dept. of Commerce, except; ICC moved to IRS, and Import/Export Bank to Federal Reserve System).

Some never should have been the "Governments" business.  No insurances, not the un-Affordable Care Act, not Social Security, Disability, Medicare, Medicaid, Flood Insurance, crop insurance; any other insurance product that requires conservation of funds locked up where no idiots in Congress can take the reserve funds for any reason and obligate the general budget to cover the benefits plus lost interest on what was set-aside funds.

Some were made even less effective, slower and more expensive by "Government" meddling.

Basically; smaller, less expensive, less intrusive Federal Government.

Stop the idea that government needs to fix every consequence of poor choices made by individuals.

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