11 April 2019

Censorship, Why the Cries for it?

I hear, view, or read things everyday that offend, aggravate, or disgust me; but I will not ever call for censorship.  

I would prefer no censorship for anything written, spoken, or created to be viewed by any individual citizen of the United States.  No matter how vulgar, disgusting, hideous, violent, immoral or inciting of hatred it maybe, it's just images and words; however, not all of it should be easily available to young children.

It's not actions, it's just free speech.  

The 1st Amendment, like each of the first ten Amendments is very important to me; and has been eroded dangerously close to destruction in the last 100 years.

Supreme Court Justice, Louis D. Brandeis once wrote; "The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in the insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well meaning but without understanding."

People who should know better are clamoring for censorship of people whose comments they don't like, not just the words and images, but with intent to silence them.

The government, the state, or legal agencies thereof, should not act to censor free speech in any form by any citizen with full rights intact.  

Of course, all legal rights to recover restitution for damages from slander and liable should be actively pursued in the courts.

The facts are that people tell awful lies about people they don't agree with or like.  I suspect more than 50% of those who testify in court under oath also lie, some for no good reason.  It's called perjury. 

All other organization (media, unions, businesses, NGO's, Foundations, etc.) and all other people within the jurisdiction of the USA; should not be allowed to act in any way to censor the truth of any free speech, no matter what is said or implied, except for conspiring to act to overthrow any of our freedoms.

Internet, social media, and emails are media publications and should not be allow to censor any truthful opinions or expressions of free speech, no matter what their silly personal opinions are.

Freedom of Expression for all citizens and legal residents under the jurisdiction of the USA! 

It's our 1st Amendment Right!

More Socialism, Ignorant!

Our country has more social programs than it can afford now. We have more socialist tendencies than our culture should tolerate.

None are working well, most do have enough revenue to pay their benefits without general tax revenue transfers.  Most will be in massive deficits in a few years, some have had 100's of billions of dollars of debt over several years.

We have granted tax exempt status to way too many organizations, Churches, Unions, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO's) and Foundations, many of whom do little or no social good, but for laundering the monies of the rich, to exempt themselves from income and profit taxes they should be paying.  Not to mention phony expenses that do nothing to accomplish the avowed purposes of their charters.

IRS needs to have cracked down on them long ago. 

Now the ignorant, but well-meaning are clamoring for more Social Programs that cannot possibly be afforded from any source, National, State or local.

Stop! look at the history of Socialist Countries and large scale socialist programs.  They all eventually run out of other peoples money, benefit outlays always exceed projected revenues.

They are poorly managed, constantly allowing new benefits without new revenue.  And ignoring the warnings from knowledgeable Actuary's about insufficient future revenue volumes and sources.

You want benefits?

Learn to do things people might need or want.
Get a job or two. Go to work.
Learn to manage your life and your money sensibly.
Spend less than you make.
Carefully invest most of what you save.
Save some for unpredictable expenses.
Save some for known future expenses.
Spend your whole life learning new things.