03 May 2019

Important Infrastructure Projects

Here is my suggested list infrastructure projects that will prevent tens of thousands of needless deaths, and hundreds of billions in public and private property damages, and prepare for the impacts from non-human caused climate changes.

1. Replace all on-grade railroad crossings with over/under passes, so that no trains or vehicles ever have to stop for each other again.

2. Improve large scale fresh water collection, treatment and low evaporation long-term storage. 

As the sun continues to grow hotter toward eventual super nova, the liquid surface water zone will move passed the Earth.  All surface water will vaporize into the atmosphere leaving no lakes, rivers, or oceans anywhere, only deep under ground aquifers or huge carefully constructed structures preventing evaporation will contain any water, including salt or contaminated water.

3. Vastly increase electrical generation capacity and decentralization, especially increase non-hydrocarbon fuel generation, by nuclear and chemical fuel cells. 

As Sun activity continues to increase, much more robust air conditioning and much larger and more robust super refrigeration for food storage and long-term preservation will be essential for any continued human habitation on Earth. 

4. Actually put all electrical power generation, storage and distribution in underground conduits, tunnels and caverns.

5. Actually perform long overdue repair and replacement of roads, bridges, airports and harbors.

6. Actually provide high speed Internet access to all US citizens and legal aliens.  

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