08 January 2012

Government Bait and Switch

Just Say No to “Means Testing”

I want the benefits I paid for when the Government forced me to participate in Social Security and Medicare.

I paid in for fifty (50) years to Social Security.  I paid in thirty seven (37) years to Medicare.

I want what I was promised or my money back; plus inflation and US bond interest (10 yr rate) per year for all those years.

There was no “Means Testing” when I was conscripted.  There was no “Means Testing” when they took my money and my employer’s money.  It’s not my fault they mismanaged our money.

There should be no “Means Testing” now that its time for Government to pay up.

Now they want us to switch to a reduced benefit because we and our families sacrificed to save enough money to take care of ourselves when they failed; like simple observation and forethought showed us they would.

We knew you were dishonest, corrupt, arrogant and ignorant, but we were forced without option to participate.  As usual you’ve betrayed and cheated us.  I think some of you will live to regret that.  I know many of us are. 

Everyone who paid in is owed what they were promised, regardless how much they saved, earned or are earning; including Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, or any other successful citizen.

Honor your contract with the American people, or resign, and consider tarring and feathering yourselves and being ridden out of town on a rail. 

Incidentally, Congress, the President, and appointed or elected Federal Officials, and Government employees should not be exempt from anything they tyrannically imposed without consent upon American citizens.

Cut everything else, but provide the insurance benefits you promised, that we have all ready paid for.

If you don’t, I think you will pay a price far more hideous than will responsible, taxpaying, American citizens.

Honor your promise, pay up, or prepare to lose everything.

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