13 January 2012

Equal Tax Justice for All

Get Rid of Progressive Taxes

All taxpayers must be treated equally under tax law.  Whatever the tax burden is must be equal for all payers.  The mistaken idea that anyone, rich or poor, wealthy or not, should pay a different percentage of their income as tax, flies in the face of justice and liberty for all.  Any taxes that are not an equal percentage for any taxpayer are clearly unjust and discriminatory.

The idea espoused for the “Fair Tax” is if you buy something your pay the same percentage tax as anyone else.  I’ve not read the language of any proposed “Fair Tax” but if they contain exemptions and exceptions, then I oppose them as well.

Tax fairness means to me that all those who pay are damaged an equal percentage.  If you make one million dollars, one hundred thousand, or ten thousand dollars, your tax percentage should be just exactly the same as everyone else who has income and owes tax.

Why progressive income tax was not challenged as un-Constitutional all these years is a mystery to me.  Where in the Constitution does it say that successful, thrifty, conservative, educated, smart decision-makers using forethought to provide for themselves and their families should be penalized; and ignorant, foolish, thoughtless, lazy, wasteful spending, bad decision-makers unable to provide for their families should be rewarded for their non-productive bad behavior.

I want tax justice.  I want equal tax treatment under the law for all.  No rewards bad or poor behaviors.  No penalties for good behavior.  No deductions, no exemptions, no subsidizes, no tariffs, no credits, no adjustments for anything.

What was your income last year?  Send the Federal government, let’s say, ten (10%) percent.  No home interest deduction, no Earned (unearned) Income tax credit, no medical expense deduction, no charitable deductions, tax preparations costs, education or job hunting expense deduction; nothing.   

Simply, what was your income, including the value of non-cash benefits; send in your Federal Income tax of 10%.

Other benefits will immediately flow from a more sensible tax policy.  First; get the IRS out of all activity other than collection of revenue, and cut 50,000 unnecessary employees.

Second; tax attorneys and tax accounts can now refocus on constructive meaningful business or change careers. 

Third; the process of refunds could be virtually eliminated, except for people who made mistakes and over or under paid when they sent their check, money order, or electronic deposit; the people currently running this process and entitlement transfer payments to no or low wage earners, could focus on collecting revenue only and most of the others could find work elsewhere, hopefully out of government employment.

Fourth; housing lenders, charities, churches, schools, hospitals, etc. could flourish on their own merit instead of being encouraged by tax policy to subsidize things individuals can support or not from their own money. 

Allowing church donations to be deducted, for instance, probably amounts to a violation of the First Amendment establishment of religion clause and should have never been permitted.  Using money that should have been tax revenue to subsidize private lenders, undeserving charities, private hospitals, poorly performing schools or any non-governmental activity should be illegal, and I think it once was.

Many things are wrong with tax law and tax policy, but the unequal tax rate burden on those who bothered to educate themselves, worked hard, sacrificed, saved, invested, thought ahead and have become successful is a horrid progressive socialist and communist idea that needs to be eliminated from our culture, law, society and philosophy.

Equal taxation for everyone!  No exemption, no exception.

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