12 June 2009

More Government Health Care

14 Million More Government Employees

This nation all ready has an enormous amount of government medicine. Military medicine, veterans care, Federal and state prison and jail care, Medicare, Medicaid, and various studies, research, and Center for Disease Control programs and very high costs. There are a large number of government employed medical doctors, thousands of them, perhaps a hundred thousand very well paid and not providing quality medical care to people. I’ve spoken to approximately 60 medical doctors. Not a single one of them was willing to become a government employee. Does anyone really want another 14 million government employees, according the Bureau of Labor Statistics?

Supposedly there are 45 million people without health insurance and it’s often implied they cannot get some kinds of medical care. It can't be urgent or emergency care, because it is available to everyone who seeks it by law, even visiting foreigners. It could be routine, specific ailments, or preventative care. Many of the 45 million, perhaps 20 million of them could get health insurance if they wanted it, but they don’t for a variety of reasons including being young and healthy, some for religious reasons.

Many of the remaining uninsured are illegal immigrants, maybe 15 million mostly women and children, and some working men and women. About 5 million are between jobs and temporarily uninsured. About 5 million are ineligible for private health insurance because of preexisting conditions, incurable diseases, or incorrigible behavior, many of them receiving government entitlement benefits including some kinds of medical care.

So, who is it that is clamoring for a massive expansion of government provided medical care? I can’t find them. Who wants the government acting as their agent or provider for any kind of health care? I can’t find them. Who thinks the quality of care will be better provided by government employees? I can’t find anyone. Like the quality delivered at a government facility and with equipment like a Veteran’s Hospital? No Veteran I’ve spoken to wishes that on anyone.
Like many government programs, politicians have imagined a demand for it, seized on the political opportunity, cultivated a constituency for it, and are now trying to fulfill the imaginary needs, as though they were real.

I don’t believe any competent doctors want to be government employees. I don’t think any citizens want to pay extra for government quality medical care. I don’t know of any government program that every provided anything in the needed quantity and quality with the right timeliness for less than the competitive market place. I don’t think they could if they knew how.

At this point it’s probably needless to point out, I’m opposed to all government provided medical care, Medicare, prison care, military care, Medicaid, and not just new size and scope, but any. Some participation and coordination of disease control and research might be an exception, if provided by and through the military as a matter citizen protection.

I believe all currently provided government medical care should be cut severely immediately, and in a few short years replaced entirely by philanthropic, religious, and private medical care, with the only government involvement being those enumerated in the constitution; defending our citizens, protecting our borders, making very few laws, canceling many outdated and special interest laws, and levying much less and many fewer taxes.

Keep healthcare decisions between doctors and patients, all others “Keep Out.”

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