26 June 2012

Affirmative Action,

When Will It Be Enough?

For more than forty years now, reverse racial discrimination for jobs and educational opportunity, and many other things, has been the practice in the US.

Is it working?  If so, when will it be enough?  When will it begin diminishing to allow its benefactors to adjust their behavior to fair and equal competition?  And how long will it take to get rid of the stigma of having to be subsidized?

How many years of reverse discrimination are necessary, to prove that more discrimination against others will not work and isn’t what’s needed?  It doesn’t change history.  Demeaning others doesn’t elevate you.

It doesn’t stop the incompetent, ignorant, weak or lame from using the excuse that they are disadvantaged because of things that happened to their great-great grand parents, great-grand parents, grandparents, and that somehow has kept their parents children from, learning, working, saving, investing, practicing good health, or obeying our nation’s laws; and that some sort of secret hidden agenda conducted in plain sight but unseen from all others, especially whites, thwarted their quest for success.  This cleaver cabal is seen behind every social slight, accident, twist of fate, cause and affect, or logical outcome that befalls them from having chosen poorly.

It could not possibly be their own deliberate ignorance.  It must be the ignorance forced upon them by the evil white dominance conspiracy.

It could not possibly be they are broke because they managed their money badly.  It could only be generations of discrimination that forced them to spend all their money on drugs, booze, buying expensive popular fashion clothing, dancing and cavorting with loose women.  Oh, and because of police profiling harassment and corruption. 

It could not possibly be they didn’t work, save or invest in themselves and their future.  It must have been the deliberate disadvantages forced upon them by whitey that made them spend foolishly, made them steal and sell drugs, got them falsely accused, took their money for bail, made them stay up late, oversleep, lose their jobs, over-eat fat foods, and spend their available time seeking or having sex instead of working, saving and investing while obeying the laws of the land.

It could not be possibly that ignorance has caused their poverty.  Their behavior choices, their culture taught them from generations of prejudice, harassment, discriminating, violence and murder and social exclusion passed on to them by genetics or osmosis; I guess, forced upon them by white culture, white business, white justice, white people in a giant coordinated conspiracy; you know, everything and anything white.     

Stop subsidizing incompetence!  If you must subsidize something, try extra training and education, try changing their culture of ignorance, try changing their tendency toward easy money and criminality, try instilling work, business and economic understanding, and try developing some ethics; like dignity, responsibility, honesty, merit, and respect for women.  Try; learn, earn, save, invest, and set aside some resources for your future, and then play hard.

Try knowledge, skill, work experience, intellect, ethics, effort, responsibility, earned merit, drop the “poor us” group loathing, reject hollow false advantages, and become a responsible, no excuses, meaningful, contributing, individual. 

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