20 June 2011

Let Greece Fail,

Before it Drags Everyone Under

I feel some empathy for the ignorant people of Greece. They voted for the unionists, socialists and communists that have destroyed their beautiful country, its legacies of freedom and rational thought, its government, and its economy.

I don’t want socialist and communist governments, union organizations or their ideals to succeed anywhere in the world. They suck the self esteem and initiative from the very fiber of people’s souls turning them into mindless dependent zombies.

It perverts their brains. They construct convoluted irrational justifications for why they have willingly become mindless lackeys for the party and the state. They sacrifice self determination for the promise of a few tasty crumbs, and all they have to do is buy into the perverse scheme that others will pay for undeserved benefits because of the promise that someday they too will receive lavish benefits at someone else’s expense.

It steals their purse, and robs them of the fruits of their labors and the reasoned use of their minds. They have sacrificed liberty for over-promised personal and financial safety. They know it hasn't been paid for and will not be sustained by those coming later seeking opportunity, independence, self-esteem, liberty, and individual responsibility and accomplishment. They will throw off these unreasonable constructs in exchange for opportunity, and the right to earn their own way, or fail and try something else until they find that at which they can succeed. Otherwise, they will have nothing left to responsibly provide for their own well-being, when their party and their government programs run out of other peoples money and collapse.

I think we should help their overburdened system fail. They have not made anywhere near the cuts necessary to have a sustainable nation, society or economy. If they continue their lavish unearned socialist programs, they will soon be another hopelessly impoverished “Haiti like” pit dragging the EU, Great Britain, Japan, Norway and perhaps some foolish financial institutions in the United States into a dismal financial and economic spiral, just to pay for lavish, undeserved welfare programs and ridiculous pensions that the recipients paid little or nothing for, didn't earn; because they didn't plan for or save for their own retirement, and probably couldn't because of the costs of their oppressively high taxes for unnecessary "do nothing" government jobs, crippling regulations, and bloated social programs.

Oh! Wait a minute, was I writing about Greece or the United States?

I guess it really doesn't matter. Without a rapid turn away from damaging socialist and communist programs, drastic reductions in the size and role of central governments, much lower taxes, and much fewer convoluted laws and irrational regulations.

They are both doomed.

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