30 May 2011

The Swine Solution

Valuable Uses for Pig Parts

It may be hard for us bacon lovers to believe, but about one third of the world’s population is afraid or prohibited from touching or eating pig flesh, pig blood, pig organs or entrails. I’m not sure about pig feces or urine. I suspect that anything identifiable or labeled as having come from a pig would be ferociously avoided for the fear of death and damnation.

This makes pig products a very interesting deterrent.

Imagine stopping uncivil behavior by threatening to spray rioters with pig fat.

Imagine posted signs warning intruders, “These premises protected by free roaming pigs. Swine wastes could be any place, watch were you step.”

Imagine dropping leaflets that say in the language of combatants, “Pig blood and ground entrails will be dropped over this entire area midday tomorrow if all hostilities do not cease immediately.”

Instead of a mine field; post signs saying, “Pig blood and pig wastes have been buried and spread randomly about this entire area.”

Tell captured terrorists combatants, “I you don’t tell us your plans, a live hog will be your new cellmate.” Tell them all there food for the past month was fried in pig fat.

Warning! That soccer ball is made of PIG SKIN.

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