28 May 2011

No Spending is Too Small

To Be Cut

Every ineffective program, regardless of its size, must be cut immediately. This country is plunging into debt it cannot recover from.

All departments, agencies, bureaus, offices and commissions must review all of their programs, projects, and initiatives, scope and staffing; asking one simple question.

Are they achieving the purposes for which they were created?

The Drug Enforcement Agency must ask itself, “Is drug abuse less now than when we began the “War on Drugs?” If the answer is no, then stop doing more of the same thing, and try something different that might work; or stop doing it at all?

Is there less poverty now than 1968?

Are children and the elderly malnourished for lack of available nutritious food?

Are there fewer unwed mothers now, than the 1960’s?

Is the American Intelligence Community too fragmented at seventeen Agencies, Departments and Offices?

Are more students better educated today, since the Department of Education was created?

Do we fly safer since TSA was created?

Is our Border Security preventing illegal immigration or contraband?

Is our immigration system getting better, faster, cheaper?

Have subsidies helped or harmed our farmers?

Have tariffs helped or harmed our Auto workers

Has Social Security and Medicare helped our elderly care for themselves?

Has Medicaid helped the poor, disabled and incompetent?

Has the Food Stamp Program helped or harmed the needy?

Are the sick and injured able to get medical care?

Are widows and orphans able to get food, clothes, housing, education and medical care?

Do all people have the opportunity to share equally in the burdens and privileges of this great nation?

Are there jobs for all those who need to work?

Is the Boundary Commission still needed?

Are the best world citizens easily able to immigrate here and become great Americans?

Are the world’s most useless people prevented access to this country?

Are all citizens experiencing an equal share of the Nations tax burden?

Have the Federal Trade and the Security and Exchange Commissions prevented enough business crimes?

Has the EPA saved any species that would have become extinct?

Have our Air and water quality improved?

Does the government still own and control too much land?

Is flood control and storm water management by the Corps of Engineers working?

Should there be taxpayer funded radio and televison broadcasts?

Has the National Endowment for the Arts been worth the money spent?

Has the National Science Foundation been more successful than business, private and philanthropic research?

Is our Justice department insuring equal justice for all under the law?

Government does some things well. Here are some simple questions that might highlight that:

Is our military the most powerful, well equipped, supplied and trained in the world?

Has the Center for Disease Control prevented widespread infectious diseases?

Is the Smithsonian and National Museums among the best in the world?

Are some of our National Parks and Monuments among the best in the world?

Are any of our National Laboratories among the best in the world?

Are the US Marshall, the Secret Service, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation among the best in the world?

Are the Central Intelligence Agency, Nation Security Agency and the Defense Intelligence Agency among the best in the world?

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