25 April 2011


It’s What Happens First.

All of the creations of mankind were first imagined, envisioned, thought of, by someone. They were bought into existence by those who saw themselves doing the things necessary to make it. They were made available by someone who envisioned how and why users would want and use it. Users imagined what it would do for them or how it would make them feel.

In our daily lives everything we do we've seen ourselves doing before we've done it. Forethought's lead us from anticipating reasons for needing to do it, or seeing ourselves doing it and inventing reasons why we should, to actually trying to do it.

Regardless of good or evil intent, very few things are done by reflex or habit completely without planning (forethought).

Occasionally, things happen while intending to do something else, like “sticky notes” an accident that happened while attempting something else. Fortunately, it was recognized as something useful before it was casually discarded as trash. An accident that would not have occurred if one had not been trying to accomplish something else that had been imagined.

Imagining and doing, attempting, failing, learning and accomplishing; these are the things that make up the stuff of human existence and achievement.

Imagining is not just inventing a new thing, or new process, or new idea. It’s also seeing you or others doing something in a role that currently isn't a reality; fantasying.

Visualizing being something different than you are now; an entertainer, a politician, helping the sick, being wealthy, preaching to the masses, riding a mad bull, loving someone completely, climbing Mount Everest, successfully robbing a bank, getting away with murder, leading a revolution, surviving Armageddon, stopping a holocaust, falling to your death, it doesn't really matter; nearly everyone has imagined themselves doing something interesting, troubling or dangerous. It is the first most important ingredient needed to accomplish or avoid anything.

Either way a fantasy begins to become reality when we do something; take action, making the conscientious effort to accomplish.

Doing creates the opportunity for success. Stopping makes failure very likely. Learning and persisting creates success, something helpful, useful or good.  Succeeding at harm, waste or evil can be achieved as well. Hopefully, those who might chose other than good will imagine the injury, harm, and penalties to their victims and themselves along with their evil fantasy before they chose to act.

Imagine yourself being something good.

See yourself doing the necessary steps to achieve it.

“Endeavor to persevere,” Chief Dan George’s line as the character “Lone Watie” in the Clint Eastwood movie The Outlaw Josey Wales.

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