19 March 2011

Freedom Fighters

Rebels, Who are They, What Do They Want?

I think rebellions are a lot like genetic mutations, most all are bad, but fortunately very few can reproduce.

I think the leaders of some countries have jumped way ahead of the facts. I don’t think they know hardly anything about those who are attempting to overthrow leaders in any other country, Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, wherever.

Admittedly, many of these current leaders are not friendly to the US, or ethnic populations and most are stealing the wealth of the people and the country they all profess to love.

Wishing a leader friendly to the US would take over someone else’s country is naïve and selfish. If we want our sovereignty respected we must respect the sovereignty of other peoples and places.

The first question that should be answered by human intelligence is, who is this current crop of rebels and what are they about? Are they just killing their long time oppressor, overthrowing their current government, killing ethnics they hate, stealing treasure, yearning for freedom, or do they just want to be the oppressor for awhile? Do they have leaders who might be capable of running an entire country? Do they want freedom? Can they handle it? Are they any better than what’s there?

These questions should have at least partial indications and answers before our leader says or does anything.

It is said, that one person’s freedom fighter is another person’s terrorist; cleaver, but not very useful.

It is shameful if the US has encouraged this current crop of rebels to believe the US will help them throw off their oppressors and take charge of running a country.

It’s terribly foolish for the US President to comment upon the fitness or timeliness of another counties leader, or hint at assistance, wishing out loud for an outcome, that may never come resulting in thousands of dead.

Who are these rebel people and what do they actually want? We cannot and should not even condone their actions until we know for sure; and should never support a new murderous regime over an existing poor leader we know but don’t like.

It should not be our business, unless it’s crucial to our prosperity and security.

Let their friends help them. They likely understand them better than we do, and may know more about what’s needed in their neighbors’ country.

While we mind our own business, not commenting until we know; if the devil we know is worse than one we don’t know.

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