04 December 2009

It’s Jobs, Stupid

Created by Demand

The President apparently doesn’t know where jobs come from. They are not bought by the government. The purchase of goods and services bought by the government can help create jobs. These purchases are made however with taxes or borrowed money. Taxes rob individuals of the purchasing power that creates real jobs and government borrowed money robs businesses of the capital they need to grow.

Demand, sufficient to create a likely PROFIT and sustainable into a predicable future, will eventually create new jobs.

Not government regulation, not tiny government tax credits, not government meetings with non-business people about how to create jobs; anything short of individual and business tax cuts, reduced government spending, and minimum government interference (regulation) will allow the opportunity for increased demand.

If you let the people keep substantially more of what they earn, massive tax cuts and large rebates will allow demand to rapidly increase.

If you stop taxing businesses so oppressively, they will have the resources to investment to benefit from increased demands for their goods and services from people and other businesses; more new jobs!

Stop subsidizing old jobs. Stop all protectionist tariffs and subsidizes. These two actions alone would be a strong incentive for new job creation.

The current administration has fostered fear, suspicion, and uncertainty, threatens increased taxes and severe regulation, and maligns business profit and individual wealth. They have deepened and prolonged the current economic recession by doing the exact opposite of what is needed.

Cut taxes deeply and quickly.

Cut government payroll and project spending to levels lower than probable future revenue immediately.

Stop the government threats, government induced uncertainty, massive deficit spending, and the excessive expansion of unneeded social programs.

Stop punishing businesses with excessive taxes and fees. It just retards investment.

Your policies, Mr. President, are the primary cause of massive unemployment.

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