28 November 2009

Health Care Tax Bill

No Health Care Improvements

It’s not health care reform. It could be called Fundamental Health Insurance Change Bill. It could be called Union and Government Benefit Plan Bailout Bill. It could be called the Medical Services Tax Bill. Maybe, it should be called the Health Care Tax Revenue Bill or “No Health Insurance” Penalty Tax Bill.

It does nothing to improve or increase the quality, or availability, or volume of medical CARE. Health CARE all ready cannot be denied to anyone who needs it and taxpayers and the insured all ready pay for that. Care providers make up for non-payers by overcharging those who can pay.

These proposed laws do nothing to lower health care costs. They do lower certain kinds of government health care reimbursement. It turns price controls and rationing of services over to new government bureaucracies increasing medical care costs.

If you want to lower the price; increase supply and cut government involvement.

If you want to increase access; increase funding for health care training and invest in more medical facilities and equipment.

It does nothing to increase wellness. It does nothing to reduce medical malpractice or the cost of it insurance, nothing to limit outrageous malpractice settlements, nothing to simplify insurance availability or increase competition.

These bills will accomplish no useful reforms in health care.

Much of the language in the House and Senate bills modifies or increases tax law, tax revenue, regulation and reporting.

These so called, “Health Care Reforms” will cover very few people who don’t have health INSURANCE that want it.

The people who need health CARE and can’t afford it know to go to local emergency rooms and lie about their ability and intent to pay.

It will bailout the state governments, unions and large enterprises that caved into silly excessive demands by employees for coverage that pays all or most of simple visits to the doctors office and routine annual procedures. You must look hard to find high deductible insurance to safeguard your home, your savings, or investments just from catastrophic medical care costs.

This idiotic, poorly developed, grossly over-priced, thinly disguised, seriously corrupt, nonsensical attempt is just to bribe the ignorant poor into voting for the lazy, deceitful, medaling, socialist-progressive, incumbents and corrupt, self-centered, job-scared cowards who vote only for what’s best for themselves. Stop this travesty and don’t re-elect those who perpetrated this pathetic attempt to defraud the people, obstruct our rights, and loot our treasury.

Elect people who understand this nation, its constitution, and the rights and power of its people

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