28 April 2009

Non-human Causes

Global Climate Changes

Preparations for both climate extremes should be made immediately. Climate changes will occur. Many life altering climate changes have occurred in human history. Ice ages and warm periods are recorded in written human histories and recent scientific discoveries.

Fighting against inevitable climate changes by attempting to manipulate weather is an enormous mistake, very risky to human survival, and a huge waste of precious resources.

Minimizing waste, reducing air pollution, developing alternative energy sources should be undertaking as a normal course of business, not in some exaggerated flailing of a life or death emergency. The actions and policies that will be useful will be revealed by the light of time and testing, and thought, not by the heat of hyper activity.

A global warming hoax is being deliberately perpetrated on world’s people and their governments by people and organizations interested primarily in seizing unearned power and wealth. Much more stress to human existence accompanies ice ages than warming periods.

I have reviewed about 400 scientific papers by atmospheric scientists and paleo-climatologists and find neither conclusive evidence of human caused global warming nor any scientific conformation that anything other that solar cycle forcing is occurring. Recent climate readings by NASA, NOAA, and many academic studies indicate very little if any global temperature change in natural environments in the last 100 years. Very recently, detectable declines in air and ocean temperatures have been reported at many places with valid temperature histories worldwide.

When adjustments are made for cyclic variations in earth’s orbit (Milankovitch Cycles) around the sun , sun energy output, earth’s heat and greenhouse gas cause or effect confusion, and from volcanic heat and greenhouse gas activity, it appears that cooling has been underway for several years. It appears that all human activities contribute little (<3%) greenhouse gases and heat relative to natural geophysical or astrophysical causes.

How can this be given the overwhelming affirmations seen on television, in print news and badly made and poorly scripted movies and their publicity?

Most exaggeration and over reaction on this subject is due to human nature and tendencies for political opportunism, clever charlatans, ignorant and easily manipulated press, abundant government and academic research funds, and a poorly educated and easily frightened world population.

If people and their governments want to do something useful, they should plan and act in ways that conserve, produce and sequester products, facilities, services, training and goods that will be needed as climate extremes develop. Where governments, non-government organizations and individuals could be useful would be actually constructing, conserving and provisioning in preparation for true climate emergencies, not wringing their hands or vowing to fight the weather.

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