06 August 2010

Stop Ignorant Unreliable Government

And Cut Programs That Endanger Sustainability.

Don’t start initiatives that can’t succeed. Recently there’s been talk of stopping economic fluctuations, avoiding recessions and depressions, eliminating risk, or squelching booms.

Are they nuts? They probably think they can predict the weather weeks in advance or change world-wide temperatures! Huh! Oh that’s right, they do.

We do not want to interfere in natural fluctuations. We don’t need economic fluctuation stopped; we need them anticipated.

I want preparation for economic inevitability's. Deposits set aside to pay unemployment during downturns, to spend to encourage economic activity from savings, not from a tax income stream we won't have. No amount of planning, or government programming, regulation or law will ever control the billions of individual purchasing and saving decisions made by people everyday, nor should they affect commercial activities of a free people.

I want preparations for global warming and ice ages, they will come. They have many times with little warning. Conserve some food, some things of value, some resources needed to sustain human life for as long a possible.

Conservation, preparation, and preservation require forethought and wisdom, something in short supply today.

If we do not prepare for bad times during good times, then no resources will be available to sustain us. There may be no way to secure funds that have accumulated, but as a country, as a society we must preserve surpluses and resist temptations to use them, to have resources available to survive inevitable hard times.

Trusting this vital task to ignorant, greedy, power mad, corrupt politicians clearly isn’t the best answer. A new, much more reliable system is necessary. preserving surpluses is so important that it may exceed the priority of all other human tasks, rights or authorities of governments, religions or peoples.

Nothing, no one, no business, or no government program is too big, or too important to fail, to stop, to modify, or to be eliminated if a free people chooses to use forethought and action to preserve their future well-being.


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  2. Hope it was helpful in some way, you are welcome.
