17 May 2010

Survey the American People

Ask Them What They Want

Mr. President, ask the American citizens which of the hundreds of major things the government thinks its doing, do they want cut and which ones they want eliminated, and which they may want delivered more efficiently.

It can easily be done on the internet via your website and by mail. It’s just a large survey. Use social security numbers to avoid duplicates and fraud. Then do carefully and intelligently, consistent with the constitution, what the majority wants.

It can easily be done with existing staff, budgets and computer resources, for much less than the National Census.

I believe you have the right to survey the people directly. The necessity for representatives to speak for citizens is long gone. House Representatives have never surveyed all the roughly 900,000 people they each represent, let alone Senators who represent millions of people in some states.

You will be amazed what you learn, if you’re not already too dazzled with yourself to learn.

You will be surprised how wildly popular you become.

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