26 April 2010

Housing Bust

Who Didn’t Know It Was Coming

Most everyone that was paying attention or whoever said to anyone or thought to themselves, “Can you believe how much our neighbor’s house just sold for!” should have realized the housing boom was unsustainable.

Some smart people took advantage of it by selling extra housing assets on the way up, or avoided it by not borrowing to buy more house than they could afford to pay for when things turned down, which non-delusional people knew would happen.

A few really smart investors and politicians knew to “sell short” derivatives based on artificial housing values and bad loans, because they must surely go down.

Smart money managers, like Goldman Sachs, knew to balance their “long” and “short” positions with more “shorts” in housing derivatives as the bust became evident to those thinking and looking ahead.

Now the very politicians who created it are looking to persecute and crucify those who protected their investors from this normal market adjustment. It’s true the ignorant masses never like it when someone gains from their stupidity making money while they loose. They especially hate anyone bets or invests against them winning, and is proven right, and makes lots of money while they lose their home. There's something somehow un-american about betting something will fail while the inattentive suffer.

Some of the hypocrites that are publicly persecuting Goldman Sachs money mangers are Senators, House Banking and Finance Committee members, Media Moguls, Union Officials and Political Strategists whose retirement accounts benefited enormously by their money managers playing the housing market to fail, and are now taking advantage of the terrible losses of foolish people by buying up valuable real estate at the lowest prices in many decades, using low interest taxpayer funded bailout money to do it.

Shame on those who encouraged and permitted the pillaging of the ignorant and mentally deficient during this latest artificial and politically manipulated housing boom and bust, especially those we elected and pay to safeguard us, who deliberately profited on the way up and the way down using insider knowledge by virtue of their elected or appointed positions, especially Chris Dowd, Barney Frank, David Axelrod, and Rahm Emanuel.

Throw these manipulative, hypocritical, blood sucking leeches and tyrants out.

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